Discover Iridology

Iridology is the science of examining the iris, sclera, and pupil of the eye to analyze the color, pigmentations, structure, and genetics in order to understand and maintain optimum health of the body. It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. It provides insights about inherent strengths and deficiencies in the body systems.

It is an effective, non-invasive assessment tool to illustrate the unique pattern of an individual’s health and potential disorders.

  • Holistic Wellness Package

    Are you experiencing a health challenge and would like more consistent personalized support to improve your health? This package includes 3 sessions: Initial session (90 minutes), and 2 follow up sessions (1 hour each).

  • Holistic Wellness Session

    Health Session (Zoom or in-person) to discuss health goals and concerns and suggestions to support your wellness journey. (45 minutes)

  • Discover Your Unique Iris

    Unlock the mysteries of your eyes in a fun and informative way! Iridology Initial Session includes Iris images of the iris and sclera and a personalized report. iTOVi scan provided for in office visit.

  • Follow Up Session

    Ready for the next step on your path to wellness? This session will unveil more revealings from your iris and sclera and offer personalized health coaching and guidance. iTOVi scan provided for in office visit.

  • Discover Your Children's Unique Iris

    Session includes Iris images, iTOVi Scan (in office only) and personalized report.

    Ages 1-16 years old