Discover the essence within

I was diagnosed with PCOS, had my tonsils removed as a child, suffered from ADHD, and developed rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue, amongst other issues. I was determined to get to the root of my problem and help myself so I would feel better. After years of studying and trying different things, I found relief. Now, in my 50s, I feel better than I ever have felt in my entire life. Over the past 12 years, I have also helped hundreds of other people get their health back. When we feel our best, we show up for ourselves and others. I believe everyone has dreams waiting to happen, and if you feel better, you will have the energy and motivation.

Using tools like Iridology and the iTOVi scanner and my knowledge of human anatomy, I can help you feel better in your journey. I am a Certified Comprehensive Iridologist. I have taught a weekly class for the past 12 years about the body system and how to use essential oils and supplements to support the body.

I look forward to being part of your health journey.

Stephanie Wahlberg, CCI

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